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Do you know what character, played by the same actor, appeared on three different popular 1980s television shows?
It’s National bubble wrap day! This quirky holiday invites people to revel in the simple pleasure of popping those delightful bubbles that bring a smile to faces and a symphony of snaps to offices worldwide.
It’s also National Corn Chip Day! Let’s unite in a crispy chorus of crunching and turn today into a flavorful fiesta.
Gen X influencers, entertainers, & celebrities celebrating January 29 birthdays including: Oprah Winfrey, Heather Graham, Sara Gilbert, Tom Selleck, Charlie Wilson, and Marc Singer.
Remembering today’s movies, music, and television :
- “Children of the Corn II” and “Sniper” starring Tom Berenger and Billy Zane open today 1993.
- “She’s All That” with Freddie Prinze Jr, Racheal Leigh Cook, Paul Walker, and Matthew Lillard released today in 1999. She’s all that is streaming now on Paramount plus and Netflix.
- Sixteen year old Brenda Spencer opened fire on Cleveland Elementary School in San Diego, killing two and injuring nine. The Boomtown Rats will use this event for the song “I Don’t Like Mondays”.
- In 1991 Gloria Estefan performs live for the first time since her tour bus accident 10 months earlier nearly left her paralyzed.
“MacGyver”, “The Equalizer”, and “St. Elsewhere” were on TV, and “That’s What Friends Are For” by Dionne Warwick & Friends was number 1 on the charts this day in 1986.